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7 Benefits of Hiking

Seven Benefits of Hiking

Seven Benefits of Hiking

Many people are looking for new and exciting outdoor activities that give us an excuse to enjoy more time away from the repetitive nature of modern living. It is good for us to get out of our comfort zone and explore something new, but often people can’t find that perfect activity for them.

Hiking is the ideal hobby for those wanting to bring a bit more exercise to their lives. It gives us a reason to spend time in nature with a friendly, relaxed atmosphere and at a pace that is good for our health. However, the personal advantages of this activity go much further than that! Discover some of the key benefits that hiking can bring to your life.

Connect with Nature

Hiking is a great excuse to get out and explore the wider world around us. We often don’t realise that there are swathes of natural land out there to explore – over one-third of the UK is untouched, meaning that there’s bound to be somewhere near you that is perfect for an adventure! There are a lot of benefits to spending time surrounded by nature, such as reducing anxiety by grounding us in the world.

A person walking through a forest in autumn

Reduced Stress

Exploring the natural world is a fantastic way to reduce stress, but it’s not the only way hiking helps with our mental health. Simply allocating time out of our schedules to enjoy an outdoor activity can help us unwind from the pressures of everyday life, providing immediate benefits to our wellbeing. As a form of exercise, the chemicals released while hiking will also help improve your mood while also promoting good habits such as sleep.

Protect Against Illness

Regular physical activity can provide a wide range of health benefits, as it keeps your heart and other vital parts of your body ticking over. Research has found that regular high-intensity walking can dramatically reduce the likelihood of stroke and heart problems, while also lowering blood pressure.

Lose Weight

There are many reasons why people start a new physical activity, but losing weight is a particularly popular goal. Hiking is ideal for this, as you are often sustaining a certain pace for long periods. Depending on how intense your hike is, you can expect to burn anywhere between 400-600 calories per hour!

Stronger Muscles

Not only will hiking help you lose weight, but it will also help you develop stronger, more toned muscles. This activity is particularly good for your core, especially when you are carrying a backpack, and can lead to a more toned stomach and greater balance in the long-run. If you are interested in improving your physical strength, why not check out our guide on how to get in shape for hiking?

Two backpackers on a rocky mountain

Improved Bone and Joint Strength

Hiking is a great activity for people of all ages and also at all the different stages of personal fitness, due to the wide range of physical health benefits. Regular hiking is also proven to help strengthen your bones and joints thanks to the constant work over a prolonged period, making it perfect for those who are looking for a stronger body for everyday life.

Increased Creativity

The mental health benefits don’t just stop at improving your mood, however. Hiking is also proven to help us become more creative through a combination of all the advantages listed above! Taking time to relax in nature helps us break out of the routines of everyday life, while the physical aspect of hiking also helps us improve our focus and problem-solving skills. These and many more subtle benefits combine into helping us become more creative, all thanks to spending a little more active time outside.

A man taking a picture on a hill with mountains in the background

These are just some of the fantastic health benefits that are available through hiking. Add to this list the social nature of trekking, increased mental strength and the simple act of getting some fresh air and you have the ideal outdoor activity! What makes hiking special is that it is incredibly accessible, and with our range of hiking boots for wide feet, narrow footwear and specially designed boots for different terrains, you’ll find the perfect shoe for your new adventures!

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